Digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software or digital document in order to provide more security than their handwritten counterparts.
Digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software or digital document in order to provide more security than their handwritten counterparts.
digital signature is the electronic equivalent of a handwritten signature,
verifying the authenticity of electronic documents offering far more inherent
security a digital signature is intended to solve the problem of tampering and
impersonation in digital communications.
Digital signature ensure integrity
of documents, secure electronic tracking and storage, scale to accommodate high
volumes of documents, enhance security and ensure compliance, reduce costs
signatures can provide the added assurances of evidence to origin, identity and
status of an electronic document, transaction or message, as well as
acknowledging informed consent by the signer.
signatures have the same legal significance as the more traditional forms of
signed documents
By adopting digital signature
processes, companies are able to reduce waiting time, save money, provide
copies to all parties, create archives, increase security through digital
encryption, and meet compliance requirements.
of data
of data
is translation of data into a secret code called a cipher text. Encrypting the
sensitive data is the most popular and effective way to have data security. And to use the encryption in the digital signature
you should have digital ID (digital certificate) in such can be used in two
of emails or files and place to sign or place digital signature on the document.
Digital signature it consist of Public and Private Keys.
Public key
is shared by everyone while Private Key is kept private.
Computer encryption uses the science
of cryptography. As the human-based code is too easy for a computer to crack,
most of the encryption systems belong to the one of two categories.
Symmetric-key encryption
Public-key encryption
Symmetric-key encryption technique single key is used to
encrypt and decrypt the message.
Public-key encryption uses the combination of a private key and a public
key. The private key is kept secret and is only known to the person who
encrypts the message, while the public key is freely disseminated which helps
to verify the message. To decode an encrypted message, receiver uses the public
key of the sender and his own private key.
is the process of decoding data that has been encrypted into a secret format this
requires secret code or password. The encrypted data is change from cypher into
readable contents when it decrypted with the secret code known by the end user.
content will be secured while passing and reach the destination safe without interrupted
with the hackers and intrudes in the sense the digital signature is maintained secured.
Protecting digital signatures from compromise
requires mechanism to secure the cryptographic keys at the heart of the digital
signatures themselves.
Encryption/Decryption is advisable while carrying out any kind of sensitive
transaction, such as online purchases or the communication of company sensitive
documents between different departments in the organizationProducts and services from Thales e-Security can help you create high-assurance digital signing processes that give your organization valuable flexibility in automating, integrating, and hosting critical business processes.
By adopting industry best practices and proven technology you can be confident in your ability to stay ahead of the security curve and in your ability to comply with evolving legal standards and regulatory requirements.
Implement secure digital signing
with high-availability solutions appropriate for your most critical processes
advantage of high performance capabilities that can support the most demanding
online applications and transaction volumes
Digital signature can be generated
with the powerful and highly secure language java with the use of JDK security
API this generate keys in such a digital signature using the private key to
export public key.
This application gets the data line
name from the command line of GenSig sample program
The following steps create the GenSig sample program.
- Prepare Initial Program Structure
Create a
text file named Type in the initial program structure (import statements,
class name, main
method, and so on).
- Generate Public and Private Keys
Generate a
key pair (public key and private key). The private key is needed for signing
the data. The public key will be used by the VerSig program for verifying the
- Sign the Data
Get a Signature object and initialize it for signing. Supply it with the
data to be signed, and generate the signature.
- Save the Signature and the Public Key in Files
Save the
signature bytes in one file and the public key bytes in another.
- Compile and Run the Program
Thanks For sharing Digital Signature Related Story