Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Biometrics is the technique of the identification and authentication of the digital signature. This will assure the security in the accessing of information that uses physical and logical access control.
A bio metrical factor is a behavior or physiological characteristics of unique to a subject as a biometric factor is used instead of the username or account ID as an identifier requires a one-to-many search
There are many types of biometric factors
        Finger print
        Face Scans
        Iris Scans
        Retina Scans
        Palm Scans
        Heart/Pulse patterns
        Voice patterns
         Signature dyamics
         Keystroke Pattern

A biometric device must be able to read information that is very minute, such as the variations in then blood vessels in a person’s retina or the tones and timbres in their voice. This is mostly preferred such as most people are basically similar, the level of detail required to authenticate a subject often results in false negative and false positive authentications.
Biometric devices are rated for their performance against these two negative authentication conditions. Most biometric devices have a sensitivity adjustment so they can be tuned to be more or less sensitive. 

When a biometric device is too sensitive, a Type 1 error occurs. A Type 1 error occurs when a valid subject is not authenticated. The ratio of Type 1 errors to valid authentications is known as the False Rejection Rate (FRR).
When a biometric device is not sensitive enough, a Type 2 error occurs. A Type 2 error occurs when an invalid subject is authenticated. The ratio of Type 2 errors to valid authentications is known as the False Acceptance Rate (FAR).
The FRR and FAR are usually plotted on a graph that shows the level of sensitivity adjustment against the percentage of FRR and FAR errors.
 The point at which the FRR and FAR are equal is known as the Crossover Error Rate (CER).
The CER level is used as a standard assessment point from which to measure the performance of a biometric device. In some situations, having a device more sensitive than the CER rate is preferred, such as with a metal detector at an airport.

For a biometric device to function as identification or an authentication mechanism, the subject must be enrolled or registered. This means the subject’s biometric must be sampled and stored in the device’s database. The time required to scan and store a biometric varies greatly by what physical or performance characteristic is used. The longer it takes to enroll with a biometric mechanism, the less a user community accepts the inconvenience. In general, enrollment times longer than two minutes are unacceptable. If a biometric characteristic that changes with time is used, such as a person’s voice tones, facial hair, or signature pattern, enrollment must be repeated at regular intervals.

Once subjects are enrolled, the amount of time the system requires scanning and process a subject is the throughput rate. The more complex or detailed the biometric characteristic, the longer the processing time will take. Subjects typically accept a throughput rate of about six seconds or faster.
A subject’s acceptance of a security mechanism is dependent upon many subjective perceptions, including privacy and psychological and physical discomfort.
Subjects may be concerned about transfer of body fluids or revelations of health issues via the biometric scanning devices.

Tokens are password-generating devices that subjects must carry with them. Token devices are a form of “something you have.” A token can be a static password device, such as an ATM card. To use an ATM card, you must supply the token (the ATM card itself) and you’re PIN. Tokens can also be one-time or dynamic password devices that look a bit like small calculators.
The device displays a string of characters (a password) for you to enter into the system.

There are four types of token devices:
_ Static tokens
_ Synchronous dynamic password tokens
_ Asynchronous dynamic password tokens
_ Challenge-response tokens

A static token can be a swipe card, a smart card, a floppy disk, a USB RAM dongle, or even something as simple as a key to operate a physical lock. Static tokens offer a physical means to provide identity. Static tokens still require an additional factor to provide authentication, such as a password or biometric. Most device static tokens host a cryptographic key, such as a private key, digital signature, or encrypted logon credentials. The cryptographic key can be used as an identifier or as an authentication mechanism.

The cryptographic key is much stronger than a password because it is pre-encrypted using a strong encryption protocol, it is significantly longer, and it resides only in the token. Static tokens are most often used as identification devices rather than as authentication factors.

A synchronous dynamic password token generates passwords at fixed time intervals. Time interval tokens require that the clock on the authentication server and the clock on the token device be synchronized.
The generated password is entered into the system by the subject along with a PIN, pass phrase, or password.
The generated password provides the identification, and the PIN/password provides the authentication.

An asynchronous dynamic password token generates passwords based on the occurrence of an event. An event token requires that the subject press a key on the token and on the authentication server.
This action advances to the next password value. The generated password and the subject’s PIN, pass phrase, or password are entered into the system for authentication.

Challenge-response tokens generate passwords or responses based on instructions from the authentication system. The authentication system displays a challenge, usually in the form of a code or pass phrase. This challenge is entered into the token device. The token generates a response based on the challenge, and then the response is entered into the system for authentication.

Token authentication systems are much stronger security measures than password authentication alone. Token systems use two or more factors to establish identity and provide authentication. In addition to knowing the username, password, PIN, code, and so on, the subject must be in physical possession of the token device.
If the battery dies or the device is broken, the subject is unable to gain access. Token devices can be lost or stolen. Tokens should be stored and managed intelligently because once a token system is compromised, it can be difficult and expensive to replace.

Ticket authentication is a mechanism that employs a third-party entity to prove identification and provide authentication. The most common and well-known ticket system is Kerberos.
The Kerberos authentication mechanism centers on a trusted server (or servers) that host the functions of the Key Distribution Center (KDC), the Ticket Granting Service (TGS), and the Authentication Service (AS). Kerberos uses symmetric key cryptography to authenticate clients to servers.
All clients and servers are registered with the KDC, so it maintains the secret keys of all network members.

Single Sign On (SSO) is a mechanism that allows a subject to be authenticated only once on a system. With SSO, once a subject is authenticated, they can roam the network freely and access resources and services without being challenged for authentication.
SSO typically allows for stronger passwords because the subject must memorize only a single password.

SSO offers easier administration by reducing the number of locations on which an account must be defined for the subject. SSO can be enabled through authentication systems or through scripts that provide logon credentials automatically when prompted.
Scripts, Kerberos, SESAME, and KryptoKnight are examples of SSO mechanisms.

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