Saturday, 28 February 2015


An assembler is a program that takes basic computer instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the computer's processor can use to perform its basic operations.
Most computers come with a specified set of very basic instructions that correspond to the basic machine operations that the computer can perform. For example, a "Load" instruction causes the processor to move a string of bits from a location in the processor's memory to a special holding place called a register.
Assuming the processor has at least eight registers, each numbered, the following instruction would move the value (string of bits of a certain length) at memory location 3000 into the holding place called register 8:
      L        8,3000


A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular programming language and turns them into machine language or "code" that a computer's processor uses.
A programmer writes language statements in a language such as C++ or Cone line at a time using an editor  The file that is created contains what are called the source statements .

The programmer then runs the appropriate language compiler, specifying the name of the file that contains the source statements.
A program that translates source code into object code. The compiler derives its name from the way it works, looking at the entire piece of source code and collecting and reorganizing the instructions (set of instructions). Thus, a compiler differs from an interpreter, which analyzes and executes each line of source code in succession, without looking at the entire program.

Friday, 27 February 2015


Emoji is a computer language created to send lots of information in a small amount of data. It is the equivelent of a list of predefined messages you can select that show up as pictures. But not all phones and computers can decode them yet! Not only that, each one can show up differently! allows you to create and view these messages on any

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

How to install window using Boot Camp

How to install Windows using Boot Camp
You can install your window computer with the Boot Camp. The Mac is compatible with the bootable software and after installing, restart your Mac to switch between OS X and Windows.
The following are the apps on the window Mac that can be installed directly with the bootable software such as iTunes iMessage iCalendar as shown below

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How to open hides files and folder using command prompt

How to open the hides files and folder using command prompt
The following are the procedure of opened the files and folder that are hide
1.       Go to Start>>All Programs>>Accessories>>Click Command Prompt.
Alternatively in recent version of windows you can click on Start and in the search box type "cmd" then press enter.

2. Navigate to the drive whose files are hidden and you want to recover
           Click Start>>Computer/My Computer.
         For example Removable F:

  Type F:  
then enter. You will notice that the blinking line will go down and display F:\>

2.      Now type in attrib -s -h -r /s /d then enter, the blinking line will go down again.

By typing the attrib command alone displays all files in the current directory with their attributes to the left of the directory path and file name. Files that have an "H" to the left are hidden files

5. Go to your drive, and see if you can now see all of the hidden files now
Go to Start>>All Programs>>Accessories>>Click Command Prompt.
Go to start>> Search programs and files write Cmd
F:\>attrib -s -h -r /s /d .*.

How to hide files and folder in a window

How to Hide Files and Folders in Windows
The files and folder in your computer can be hiding in such that no other user of the computer can access. This enables the confidential document and some files that used for only user to protect other to see it.
Procedure of hiding the files and folder into the windows.
First of all you should have folder, create the folder and the save into the desired place you want such as any drive, My Documents  For example, create a new folder under C:\Program Files\Common Files.
By creating the folder it doesn’t allow any people go browsing through there anyway since it’s mostly just system installation files. In the windows  there is not an easy way to search the computer for just hidden files and folders, so that makes this method slightly more useful.

Then setting a folder to Hidden in Windows by changing one of the properties of the folder. Windows Explorer reads this property and appropriately shows or hides the folder. However, there is an option in Windows Explorer called “Show hidden files and folders” that will display all folders no matter what the hidden property value is set to.

How to show the hiden files, folder and drives

How to Show Hidden Files, Folders and Drives in Windows 8
The file, folder and Drives in window 8 can be hiding due to many reasons
These are some reasons for the file, folder and drive to hide
·         The presence of virus in the computer
·         Carrier of the shortcut files and folder of malware
·         The intruders from the network connection
By default hidden files and folders are not visible and this is a preferred way for most users. But you can easily show hidden files and folders.
Follow these steps to display hidden files and folders in Windows 8  
1. Press the Windows+S key combination to open the “Search” box or Start button 

2. Clicking Appearance and Personalization Type folder into the Search box, then select Folder Options from the list of search results. The “Folder Options” window should open.
3. Select the View tab.
4 .Under “Advanced Settings”, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives.

5 .Click Apply, then click Ok.
The required folder , files and drive will be shown when opened

Now all of your system’s hidden files and folders should be visible

Micro computer

Micro-computer system
Block diagram of a microcomputer system
The block architecture of micro-computer consist of the following units

1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) performs arithmetic operations such as
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and or division, and logical operation such as
AND, OR, NOT and XOR needed to carry out the instructions.

2. Control Unit (CU)
The control unit (
CU) is responsible for fetching instructions from main memory and determining their type.

Friday, 20 February 2015


iOS8   is the eighth major release of the iOS mobile operating system designed by Apple Inc.
This is software that support the different Apple mobile, iPad and iPod
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPod touch 5th generation
  • iPad 2
  • iPad with Retina display
  • iPad Air
  • iPad mini
  • iPad mini with Retina display
How to download and install iOS 8
iOS8  update can be downloaded with the mobile either directly through Wi-Fi or connecting it to Personal computer (PC) or Mac (windows) also downloaded through iTunes. The downloading can follow the steps as indicated bellow

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Driver less car

Google driver less car                       
Google innovate new modern technology of driver less car where the car can travel without a driver. This technology is being developed with the software powering Google's cars is called Google Chauffeur powerful. 
The car can travel in the normal road where the passenger they should borrowed an electronic ticket and request at the particular area that the car could go and took him/her
This technology was inverted with the Google engineer Mr Sebastian Trum, former director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence laboratory  and co-inventor of Google Street View. 
This team include fifteen Google engineers including Mike Montemerlo, Chris Urmson and Antony Levandowski


What is iOS
iOS is an application from the  foundation of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Is an operating system of the mobile and windows that lead to support multifunctional on the processing of iPhone iPad and iPod.
This apps is developed by Apple Inc and distributed for Apple hardware and its powerful operating system for iDevices. 

These apps have collectively been downloaded more than 60 billion times.
 Steve Jobs in 2005 began planning the iPhone that become the best phone in the market he had a choice to either "shrink the Mac, which would be an epic feat of engineering, or enlarge the iPod". Jobs favored the former approach but pitted the Macintosh and iPod teams, led by Scott Forstall and Tony Fadell the idea was based on the develop of the great efficiency on processing multitask activity world wide.
iOS was being developed on 2007 for the application of iPhone and being extended to support Apple device such as iPod touch on September 2007 then iPad on January 2010, iPad Mini on November 2012 and the second generation of Apple Tv on September 2010
iOS play a great role on the smartphone mobile operating system and being best among the operating system on smartphone nowadays. Apple App store contained more tha 1.2 million application such that 500,000  was optimized for iPad.
The user interface have been developed friendly user and perform direct manipulation of data consist of slides, switches and buttons by using multi-touch gestures you can swipe, tap,pinch and reverse pinch.
The processor inside play a great role as an internal accelerometers that used by some application to respond the shaking of device such as rotating in three dimensions from portrait to landscape mode, crop the picture in the good design also there is undo command to reveal the previous action

Tuesday, 10 February 2015



Bluetooth technology is the global wireless standard enabling, convenient, secure connectivity for an expanding range of devices and service​s and transfer of information from one device to other.

Bluetooth high speed technology lets you quickly send video, music and other large files between your devices.
Bluetooth technology is a wireless communications technology that is simple, secure, and everywhere. You can find it in billions of devices ranging from mobile phones and computers to medical devices and home entertainment products. 

Bluetooth wireless technology was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS-232 data cables. Bluetooth technology exchanges data over short distances using radio transmissions, Bluetooth technology allows you to share voice, data, music, photos, videos and other information wirelessly between paired devices.

The key features of Bluetooth technology are iniquitousness, low power, and low cost. The Bluetooth Specification defines a uniform structure for a wide range of devices to connect and communicate with each other.

Types of Maintanance

Maintenance types
There are three types of maintenance in use:
  • Preventive maintenance, where equipment is maintained before break down occurs. This type of maintenance has many different variations and is subject of various researches to determine best and most efficient way to maintain equipment. Recent studies have shown that Preventive maintenance is effective in preventing age related failures of the equipment. For random failure patterns which amount to 80% of the failure patterns, condition monitoring proves to be effective.
  • Operational maintenance, where equipment is maintained in using.
  • Corrective maintenance, where equipment is maintained after break down. This maintenance is often most expensive because worn equipment can damage other parts and cause multiple damages.

Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance is maintenance performed in an attempt to avoid failures, unnecessary production loss and safety violations.
The effectiveness of a preventive maintenance schedule depends on the RCM analysis which it was based on, and the ground rules used for cost-effectivity.
Corrective maintenance
Corrective maintenance is probably the most commonly used approach, but it is easy to see its limitations. When equipment fails, it often leads to downtime in production. In most cases, this is costly business. Also, if the equipment needs to be replaced, the cost of replacing it alone can be substantial. It is also important to consider health, safety and environment (HSE) issues related to malfunctioning equipment.
Corrective maintenance can be defined as the maintenance which is required when an item has failed or worn out, to bring it back to working order. Corrective maintenance is carried out on all items where the consequences of failure or wearing out are not significant and the cost of this maintenance is much greater than preventive maintenance.

Corrective maintenance is the program focused on the regular task that will maintain all the critical machinery and the system in optimum operating conditions. The major objectives of the program are to
1.Eliminating breakdown
2.Eliminating deviation
3.Eliminating unnecessary repairs
4.Optimize all the critical planned system
Reliability centered maintenance
Reliability centered maintenance is an engineering framework that enables the definition of a complete maintenance regime. It regards maintenance as the means to maintain the functions a user may require of machinery in a defined operating context. As a discipline it enables machinery stakeholders to monitor, assess, predict and generally understand the working of their physical assets.